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woman holding a positive pregnancy test






Do you want to regulate your cycle and learn how to read your body ready for conception? We can work on that. 


Have you been at this for a while and feel like everyone else around you is getting pregnant so easily and you're not? I'm here for that too. 


Deciding to have a baby is meant to be one of the most exciting times in your life. If it's not happening easily however, it can get really lonely, isolating and obsessive very quickly. I get it, I really do. I've seen it so many times with my patients. A lot of what I do is being a support for them. I'm here for whichever stage of your fertility you're at.



Where are you on your fertility journey & how can I help?




So below are some of the areas treatment may focus on, depending on your needs. 


Lets work to optimise every aspect of the reproductive cycle. This includes regulating the menstrual cycle and fertility hormones, increasing uterine and ovarian blood flow, and enhancing growth of the endometrial lining and follicular development.


Unfortunately, neither western medicine nor Chinese medicine can increase your egg supply. Nature provides us with a limited supply, however nurturing their environment by increasing blood flow to the ovaries, providing additional nourishment and improving their potential to fertilise is something we can work towards.


For implantation to occur and the embryo to develop, it’s important that the lining of the uterus is thick and healthy, full of nutrients and with optimum blood flow.


Most women think that as long as they’re having a period, they’re ovulating. This isn’t always the case, with many reasons why ovulation doesn’t occur - including stress or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Lets correct your cycle and switch on ovulation!


If your cycle is unpredictable, there could be an underlying cause. Through tools such as BBT charing (body basal temperature), we can establish which part of your cycle is leading to the irregularity, whether pre or post ovulation.


There are two parts to the menstrual cycle: before ovulation (the follicular phase) and post ovulation (the luteal phase). Each produces hormones that prepare your body for egg fertilisation and pregnancy.  An imbalance in one, or both, parts of your cycle can lead to anovulation, irregular cycles or infertility.



For a woman who has experienced a miscarriage, there are no words that can describe the pain, uncertainty and fear that this experience will have upon her.

Establishing the timeframe misscarriage occured can be a good indicator of what happened, providing insight into preparing the body for further pregnancies.


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